Upcoming/Current Events - > July


21 July

Guru Poornima

Guru is the entity who dispels the darkness of ignorance and illumines our lives with pure knowledge and hence this day signifies the worship of the Guru and offering obeisance to his feet. The full moon symbolises the mind filled with delight and signifies the elimination of darkness and evil from the mind. Guru Poornima is an occasion for cleansing the mind to make it absolutely pure.




Manifestations of Swami's Omnipresence

On April 24th, 2011, our dear Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's physical body has taken rest. But He lives ever so strong in the hearts of every one of us and He is with us, in us, above us, behind us, & in front of us always, to protect us, guide us and lead us to salvation.
The Samadhi (resting place) is at Sai Kulwanth Hall, Puttaparthi, India.
From out of the example of our Mother Sai , it is now up to our instruments to proceed with our mission.
Being out of His physical form, Swami is now showing Himself all over the world to His devotees, appearing in various manifestations.

India, Puttaparthi

Antwerp, Belgium - appearing as reflection in window
Picture taken end of December 2012